Resin Flooring in Food and Beverage Facilities

Explore our range of FAQs regarding resin flooring in the food and beverage industry.

What resin flooring options are available?

Resin flooring systems are available in a wide range of shapes, sizes and chemistries, including antibacterial enhanced cementitious polyurethane systemsfast curing methyl methacrylate (MMA) systems and versatile epoxies.

Which factors should be considered when selecting a resin floor system for food and beverage facilities?

A key consideration should be hygiene. Some systems offer clients an enhanced hygiene performance due to a combination of a seamless, easy to clean finish with the addition of antibacterial additives within the floor.

Slip resistance should also be considered, especially in wet processing areas or areas where regular cleaning is a priority. Flooring should be laid to falls that lead to efficient drainage systems. Resin floors can be installed in a range of textures to provide the right balance between cleanability and slip resistance.

Polyurethanes are often the most suitable option for the challenging production areas of an F&B facility due to the ability of this resin chemistry to combine impressive durability, hygiene and safety properties.

Floors with HACCP International certification have been specifically tested to make sure that they provide all the hygienic properties required for intensive, large-scale food production sites to ensure that they will meet all the necessary legislation and best practise standards.

What is chemical attack?

This is typically described as the breaking down of the floor’s polymer structure such that it is no longer able to fulfil its function. This is particularly common in food processing facilities where there is exposure to hot oils, sugars, acids and fats coming into contact with a floor that does not have the necessary chemical resistance properties.

Why do I need a protective resin flooring system in my food and beverage facility?

The floor of a food processing facility is subject to a wide variety of food by-products such as fats, oils, blood, sugar solutions and natural food acids. These substances can cause untold damage to an uncoated substrate, bringing the hygienic and structural integrity of the facility into question.

What is thermal shock?

Thermal shock occurs when the ambient temperature changes significantly and almost immediately, which can lead to floor failure if the material has not been specified correctly.

Thermal shock can occur for several reasons, such as steam cleaning, the opening of hot ovens or of doors to cold storage rooms.