Meat and Poultry

Ryan Gerrard / 14 April 2023

In Europe, particularly in the UK, meat and poultry processing facilities are legally mandated to implement and achieve food safety management systems. As such, hygiene and safety are the top priority so as to avert the risk of foodborne illness resulting from contaminated meat and fish products. 

Meat and poultry plants are exposed to aggressive cleaning methods and contaminants including blood, grease and oil. These areas require tough floor coatings with added hygiene protection and a high grade texture to prevent slip / fall accidents when surfaces are wet. 

Flowcrete UK’s HACCP International certified and ISO 22196 compliant cementitious polyurethane flooring materials offer enhanced protection with the inclusion of Polygiene®, an antimicrobial additive based on silver ion technology

Get in touch today to find out more.

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